GUEST POST: How to support a loved one through an eating disorder

Hello, lovely viewers of Joy’s blog! I’m Lucy, and I’m so very happy to be guest-posting on JoyfullJoyFood. Joy is one of my closest friends, and I feel so lucky to know such an inspiring, wacky, wonderful woman. Big love to you, Miss JoyfullJoy! We thought it would be nice to do a post about…

How to help your body image during QUARANTINE….

Warning: If you’ve come to this blog post today looking for dieting tips, exercise tips, flat stomach tips etc…. You have really come to the wrong place. You might as well leave now. Or Stay and have a read if you’re curious. As you may have noticed in yourselves during quarentine, it is impossible to…

How to navigate your sex life

Arrrrrgh there she blows. Follow the northern star eastbound to the tropical island of Orgasm. I am Captain Sex Pirate and I’ll be taking you on a magical journey today. CRINGE. Sorry but that is not how I’m going to be writing this post. Let’s start from the beginning. Of my own personal experience. When…

Push the boundaries of your COMFORT ZONE

When I was 14 years old, I attended a musical theatre summer school. I was also strongly in the grips of anorexia. The teachers cottoned on quite quickly that something was wrong. When you’re anorexic, you become quite deceptive. But when everyone eats, or in my case, DOESN’T eat in the same room together, it’s…


I have always hated having BOOBS I’m 12 years old And I have just grown breasts One of my friends mum’s Threw her a womanhood party She started her period the week before and then her mum threw her a ‘Well done you’re a woman’ party Like it’s anything to bloody celebrate I hate them!…

Break free from RESTRICTIVE EATING – Vegan Cheezy Marmite Pasta

Have you ever panicked that sometimes go on a MAD FOOD BINGE? That for days you will try to ‘diet’ or ‘eat well’, watching your calorie intake and exercising a lot and then after a few days, you will quite literally like Bruce Bogtrotter in Matilda….. GORGE YOUR WAY THROUGH ‘NAUGHTY’ FOOD? There is a…

Why exercise and healthy eating aren’t EVERYTHING…

Healthy eating and exercise are not EVERYTHING. They are important but your life should not be RULED by them. They should not be the PUNISHING DOCTRINE you live by. You should live by JOY. You should live by BALANCE. You should live by LOVE. Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted the…

FUEL your BODY – Spiced Plum and Hazelnut Oatmeal

Your body is like a car. (I know I’ve used this analogy before but I truly want to expand on it.) When your car runs out of petrol, you go to the petrol station and fill it up. You don’t ignore the fact that the tank is empty and keep on driving. You fill the…

My No Counting Calories Experiment – PBJ Oats

Science Experiment Day 7: Objective: To stop counting calories, eat when I’m hungry and need energy. To live life to it’s fullest, eat food to it’s fullest and love to my fullest. Also burgers. And salted caramel. Is that an objective? I don’t care. IT IS NOW! The problem with being ‘recovered’ is that your…