GUEST POST: How to support a loved one through an eating disorder

Hello, lovely viewers of Joy’s blog! I’m Lucy, and I’m so very happy to be guest-posting on JoyfullJoyFood. Joy is one of my closest friends, and I feel so lucky to know such an inspiring, wacky, wonderful woman. Big love to you, Miss JoyfullJoy! We thought it would be nice to do a post about…

How to help your body image during QUARANTINE….

Warning: If you’ve come to this blog post today looking for dieting tips, exercise tips, flat stomach tips etc…. You have really come to the wrong place. You might as well leave now. Or Stay and have a read if you’re curious. As you may have noticed in yourselves during quarentine, it is impossible to…

A realist’s guide to surviving QUARANTINE…

Greetings from this POST APOCALYPTIC WORLD that none of us ever quite imagined we would ever be living. Maybe I did make a few WW3 jokes in the past HOWEVER … this is no world war 3. This is CORONA VIRUS times. Or Miss Rony as it is sometimes fun to call her because let’s…

Dear Anyone Suffering in Silence with an Eating Disorder…

Dear Anyone Suffering in Silence with an Eating Disorder, You are not alone. This is what I want to remind you to begin with. You. Are. Not. Alone. This must be a really scary time for you. And you must feel like you are crazy and this is all really stupid. You’re not crazy and…

How to avoid eating disorder RELAPSES…

To start this off positively…. let’s play a GAME SHOW. How many times have I relapsed from ANOREXIA? WOOOOOOO HIGHLY WARPED GAME SHOW WOOOOO!!!! Is it …. A) Never. B) Once. C) Three times because I was never really recovered. Now what do you win if you get the correct answer? You get the pleasure…

Push the boundaries of your COMFORT ZONE

When I was 14 years old, I attended a musical theatre summer school. I was also strongly in the grips of anorexia. The teachers cottoned on quite quickly that something was wrong. When you’re anorexic, you become quite deceptive. But when everyone eats, or in my case, DOESN’T eat in the same room together, it’s…

How to deal with Emotional Eating – Pumpkin Chickpea Curry

My grandmother died. Well you’re a bloody laugh a minute, Joy! And I have been emotionally eating. I’ve popped on a few pounds. Such is life. What is emotional eating? Is it crying when you eat? Is it finding your food really funny? Is it getting angry with your breakfast? Emotionally eating is responding to…

BMI is B.S. – Raspberry Mojito Oatmeal

On Wednesday I had to be weighed and my height measured. Before I had an appointment about my STOMACH. Not confusing at all. I must admit, my hackles did raise. I make a solid point of NEVER WEIGHING myself. My mum hid the scales in my family home MANNNNYYY YEARS ago. And I don’t have…

Dear anybody who hates their body…

Dear anybody who hates their body, Whether you be a teenage girl or boy, Someone in their twenties, Or someone in your sixties. Hating your body is an easy choice. It’s what we are taught to do. With advertisements. With the media. With the celebrities we see on screen. With diet culture. With exercise classes….